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I like psychology because I am curious about the psychological world of human beings.I think it is mysterious.


mind refraction
心理在西方更多是和大脑相关的,heart 更多的表示心脏

迎合某人心理 用英语怎么说 我想用psychology这单词.

to cater for sb 或者to cater to one's will


I hope to increase my abilities in comprehension skills, being more independent, working with other people, etc. by studying abroad. Studying abroad in an environment without the care and protection of your parents is a good way to train yourself to be more independent. I know that studying abroad will be much harder than doing so in your home country, but I believe that continuously solving progressively harder problems is a natural part of everyone's growth. Because of that, I want to attempt living independently and believe that I will be successful. In order to get into my ideal university in America, the first thing I need to do is get good grades and finish my courses to graduate from high school. My ideal university is one that produces graduate students with the ability to have active, energetic and innovative thoughts. The school that I choose will depend on my situation at that time and recommendations from teachers. As for what I want to major in, it's best if it's psychology or philosophy. These are my current plans for the time being.


关于消费心理的英文~我知道消费心理学的英文是:consumer psychology,但是消费心理呢

Psycological condition of consumers


热门搜索: 瑜伽可促进心理健康助摆脱抑郁消除焦虑(瑜伽调理心情缓解抑郁篇) 心情抑郁,应该看精神科医生or心理咨询师?(心情抑郁,应该看精神科医生or心理咨询师吗) 心情抑郁,应该看精神科医生or心理咨询师?(心情抑郁,应该看精神科医生or心理咨询师嘛)