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上台发言太紧张怎么办 如何缓解紧张情绪英语(英语作文,如何克服考前焦虑为题)


How to overcome the pressure of examsAs we all know, most of us middle school students feel somehow nervous whenever we’re taking an important exam. There is no doubt that exams are important to us s...

我是个害羞的女孩在新的班级感到紧张 但同

I'm a shy girl ,and feel nervous in new class .But classmates are funny .


I'm nervous because my English is poor~
I'm nervous because my English is not very good~


热门搜索: 瑜伽可促进心理健康助摆脱抑郁消除焦虑(瑜伽调理心情缓解抑郁篇) 心情抑郁,应该看精神科医生or心理咨询师?(心情抑郁,应该看精神科医生or心理咨询师吗) 心情抑郁,应该看精神科医生or心理咨询师?(心情抑郁,应该看精神科医生or心理咨询师嘛)