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我感到很不安;用英文表达;翻译如下:;I feel very uneasy.;重点词汇:;不安;[词典]uneasy; intranquil; unpeaceful; unstable; discomposure;[例句]He looked uneasy and refused to answer questions.;他看上去焦虑不安,拒绝回答问题。

bother, agitate, ann

bother, agitate, annoy 有什么区别?




1. 是:2. worryed是一个错误的拼写,正确的拼写应该是worried。3. worried是形容词,表示担心、忧虑的状态或感觉。例如,She is worried about her exam results.(她对她的考试成绩感到担心。) worried还可以用作名词,表示被担心的人或事物。例如,He is one of the worried in the family.(他是家庭中被担心的人之一。) 另外,worried还可以用作动词的过去分词形式,表示被动的担心或忧虑。例如,I am worried about my friend's health.(我对我的朋友的健康感到担心。)

英语翻译1) 医生最后总结说信心对治愈疾

1 Doctor concluded at last that confidence was critical to curing disease
2 Every time when I feel myself uneasy or my mood swings,I listen to the music until the normal mood come back again
3 We are about to go to the airport but the driver tells us that the car has broken down
4 By popularizing the awareness of all kinds of symptoms of diseases,the Health Association wants to help people monitor their own body conditions
5 Stay cool if you want to save a life in emergency
6 Her neighbour identified her emergency and took appropriate action so she has recovered now
7 Taking a physical examnation on a regular basis can help prevent from disease worsening
8 Who should be in charge of the emergency department triggers a heat discussion before I knew it
9 I would rather borrowing money from my friend than refusing to help you
10 No matter how hard he works,no promotion grants to him


热门搜索: 瑜伽可促进心理健康助摆脱抑郁消除焦虑(瑜伽调理心情缓解抑郁篇) 心情抑郁,应该看精神科医生or心理咨询师?(心情抑郁,应该看精神科医生or心理咨询师吗) 心情抑郁,应该看精神科医生or心理咨询师?(心情抑郁,应该看精神科医生or心理咨询师嘛)