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治愈一切不开心英文(英语翻译1) 医生最后总结说信心对治愈疾)

英语翻译1) 医生最后总结说信心对治愈疾

1 Doctor concluded at last that confidence was critical to curing disease2 Every time when I feel myself uneasy or my mood swings,I listen to the music until the normal mood come back again3 We are ab...



用cure of (治疗…)造句

cure of " 治疗、治愈、治好、矫正"等词意
eg :Doctors are now able to cure people of many diseases which in former times would have killed them.现在医生能够治愈过去的许多不治之症.
He is cured of headache. 他的头痛病已治好.
The teacher cured him of bad habits.老师纠正了他的坏习惯.


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