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网瘾的危害用英语咋说-The Internet addiction,mostly resuting from playing online games.请问这里为什么要用"resuting&

The Internet addiction,mostly resuting from playing online games.请问这里为什么要用"resuting"

这是后置定语喔,或者这样说 后置定语都是可以转化为一个定语从句的
The Internet addiction,which is mostly resulting from playing online games.
后置定语就是在定语从句的主语 谓语都省略掉的情况产生的!

(一)阅读下文,完成下列各题。 ①身为现代人,你已经习惯于享受网络信息带来的便利,然而,在你越来越依赖网络的同时,你也已经身陷网络带来的危害之中。科学家已经发现,人类


英语翻译1.她把自己的失败归咎于所面临的巨大压力.(contribute to; face with)2.难怪他们会设法骗我相信他们是无辜的.(no wonder; trick into)3.社工们决心要帮助那些有网瘾的青少年.(resolve; addict) 4.他

1. she contribute her failure to the face with great pressure.
2. no wonder they would trick my into beileving them as innocent.
3. social workers delicate to help internet addicted teenagers to resolve their problems.
4.he had encountered great difficulties helping students to restore their ineterest and confidence in studying
5.although i think he is the appropriate person for this position, his boss does not have confidence in him.
6.according to the reports, local government are taking pains to cover the truth under the scandal.
7. we are looking for a new approach to increase the capacity of children's learning abilities.
8 had it not been the unremitting effort of the soldiers, not many villagers would have survived the landslide


Nowadays, with the development of cyber technology, more and more young people tend to be adicted with the internet.
This is a problem that should be considered by both their family and the scholl. Of course, it's also a social problem. Young people are very esay to be influnced by the social atmosphere, to provide a better studying environment, all people that are involved in the juvinile education shoud do their part in helping the young people.
But above all, the young people themselves should take the right attitude to this issue. Because they are the decisive factor in this problem.

标签: 超前教育的危害,等孩子上二年级才真正爆发(超前教育的好处与弊端) 边看电视边玩手机更易得抑郁症(一边看电视一边看手机的危害) 不断催孩子快点,后果将难以想象。(催孩子快点的危害) 儿童心理疾病及治疗之咬指甲(儿童咬指甲的危害性) 说谎癖:孩子撒谎严重是病(孩子说谎的危害性) 成功人士更易患焦虑症“追求完美”导致心理扭曲(成功焦虑的危害) 千万别催孩子写作业,做这件事,比催100次更管用(催孩子做作业的危害) 熬夜背后的心理动机(熬夜的心理危害及其原因) 4种新型心理疾病危害现代人(现代人心理疾病的最直接危害) 过度正能量会致病(正能量危害) 偷看日记求证孩子“心病”心理专家:家长病了(偷看孩子的日记会给孩子造成哪些危害) 过度依赖者:一场操纵与愤怒的游戏(过度依赖的危害) 为什么妈妈容易对孩子发脾气?(一个妈妈老对孩子发脾气会造成什么危害) 人到中年,如何抵御“婚外情”诱惑?(中年婚外情的危害) 超前教育的危害,等孩子上二年级才真正爆发(孩子超前教育的好处和坏处) 婚前同居风险大,需谨慎!(婚前同居的危害) 请问,脑器质性精神障碍能针灸吗 网瘾 中学生谈恋爱的三种心理诱使(中学生谈恋爱的危害有哪些) 心理研究:含糖饮料可改善脾气(含糖饮料的危害身材矮小) “单恋”也有积极意义(单恋的表现和危害) 受害成瘾症(成瘾行为的危害包括) 情绪压抑的5大危害,每种都能毁了你的人生!(情绪压抑的5大危害,每种都能毁了你的人生吗) 社交恐惧症危害大,如何自我调节?(社交恐惧症危害大,如何自我调节自己) 不断催孩子快点,后果将难以想象。(总是催促孩子快一点有较大危害!爱催的父母要注意) 解说:催眠术中“人桥僵尸”实验(催眠人桥的危害) 五种自恋型的父母,对孩子伤害最大!(自恋型父母的危害) 你朋友圈发的照片,早就暴露了你的抑郁倾向(朋友圈发照片有什么危害) 你朋友圈发的照片,早就暴露了你的抑郁倾向(朋友圈发照片的危害性) 孩子动作慢,是对妈妈的一种愤怒!(孩子动作慢的危害) 童年遭受的创伤,影响孩子一生(童年创伤的危害)


热门搜索: 瑜伽可促进心理健康助摆脱抑郁消除焦虑(瑜伽调理心情缓解抑郁篇) 心情抑郁,应该看精神科医生or心理咨询师?(心情抑郁,应该看精神科医生or心理咨询师吗) 心情抑郁,应该看精神科医生or心理咨询师?(心情抑郁,应该看精神科医生or心理咨询师嘛)