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Don't ever be afraid of the darkness,because the sun will shine after that.

英语作文,如何克服考前焦虑为题 带翻译

How to Overcome Fear
Everyone may meet difficulties when they deal with some problems.When we experience some situations which we cannot overcome at once,we will get nervous,and they may drive us to the distraction.Fear will bring us physical and mental torture.As a result,the case will get worse and worse.And we will be lake of confidence to finish the task.So learning how to overcome fear is particularly vital for us.
Firstly,we must have a great control to let us calm down when we meet some emergency situations.Thus,our brain will get precious time to think about how to do with this terrible situation.On the contrary,if we are in a panic,the best chance to gain success will fly away.Although it may be difficult to do that,we should do it again and again,and then we will acquire enough experiences to overcome our fears.
Secondly,it is also essential for us to know some good ways which can overcome fear.When you are in a hard situation,but there are some people who still speak negative words to you,just ignore them.You should tell yourself that it’s my own business,so I must deal with it by my heart,and I can’t be influenced by other persons.Psychological hint will become a strong motivation to you to solve your problems.Furthermore,you should focus on your mind to think of how to be out of the wood rather than waste time to do some unnecessary things.
Finally,we should open up our train of thought to think over the situation.And it is benefit for us to let our friends give us a hand.Surely,we must mainly depend on ourselves.Thus,we will overcome our fear,get a strong motivation,and gain a clear way to finish our tasks.
In a word,we should have a good psychological quality to overcome fear.,and we need to learn how to be stronger.


1.frightening 指 “吓人的;令人害怕的“:Ghosts are frightening .鬼怪让人恐惧.2.frightened “感到害怕的;被吓得害怕了,受恐吓的”:The frightened horse galloped away.受惊的马飞奔而去.Many people are fr...

愈快愈好、be scared of do

be scared of doing sth、本身担心某事的发生.be scared to do sth、害怕做某事.楼上“害怕正在做的一件事”让人很不能接受.


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